Tourist and other Nonimmigrant Visas

Tourist Visas and other Nonimmigrant Visas

Tourist Visas, Visas for Family Members, and other Nonimmigrant Visas
$1200-2000 Flat Legal Services Fee
These applications are for persons outside the US who seek to enter the U.S. temporarily, or who are entering temporarily but are statutorily eligible for remaining in the U.S. permanently. In many cases, the nonimmigrant visa applicant will have to present an approved visa petition such as form I-129K, for a fiance, for example, or an I-129 for a temporary H-1B worker. (Fees for such cases are listed elsewhere on this site.) In other cases, the applicant will have to file all of his/her documents with the US consulate abroad. My fee will depend on the complexity of the application and the issues that client must address in order to be issued a nonimmigrant visa. I may also be retained, at extra cost, to be present at the nonimmigrant visa applicant’s interview at a US consulate abroad, although this may not be an option much of the time because many US consulates do not allow attorneys to attend visa interviews.